Evergreen Attorneys Blog
Stay up to date on recent court decisions, new laws, and news of interest from our award winning team of federal criminal defense attorneys.
Lawyers have historically been key figures within many of our nation’s most defining moments. Here’s a list of some of the most famous criminal defense attorneys in U.S. history whose legal acumen and oral arguments [...]
Colorado Federal Attorney, Federal Court, IRS, Tax Fraud, Willfullness
Federal criminal tax prosecutions are declining across the country, but the consequences of potential years in prison from one of these cases could not be higher. Counsel at [...]
Colorado Federal Attorney, Criminal Defense, Denver Federal Attorney, Denver Gun Attorney, Firearms, Uncategorized
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right of Americans to keep and bear arms. Recently, there has been significant U.S. Supreme Court decisions affecting [...]
Colorado Federal Attorney, Criminal Defense, Denver Federal Attorney, Target Letter
What is a Target Letter, and What Should You Do If You Receive One? If you've received a target letter from federal investigators or prosecutors, it may feel [...]
Criminal Defense, Federal Court, Newsletter
Federal Criminal Defense Newsletter It is essential to have defense counsel knowledgeable in changes in the law. We at Evergreen Attorneys know that the law is in a [...]