Evergreen Attorneys Blog
Stay up to date on recent court decisions, new laws, and news of interest from our award winning team of federal criminal defense attorneys.
At Evergreen Attorneys, we are committed to providing comprehensive information and legal guidance needed to navigate the complexities of the federal reentry process. Contact a federal defense lawyer today for a free consultation on halfway [...]
Colorado Federal Attorney, Compassionate Release, Criminal Defense
How the First Step Act has Divided the Nation’s Courts of Appeals A compassionate release may be a way for a federal criminal defendant to receive a reduced [...]
2255, Criminal Defense, Federal Court
One of the most common questions we receive is whether a federal defendant should hire a lawyer to file their 28 U.S.C. § 2255 motion. We at Evergreen Attorneys [...]
Criminal Defense, Federal Court
Lawyers have historically been key figures within many of our nation’s most defining moments. Here’s a list of some of the most famous criminal defense attorneys in U.S. [...]
Criminal Defense, Health Care Fraud, Telehealth, Telemedicine, White Collar Crime
For healthcare executives, physicians, and business owners in the medical sector, heightened regulatory scrutiny represents a significant operational risk that requires strategic management. With federal authorities intensifying enforcement [...]